About Us


Living Water Ministries

"Where Jesus is the Christ! The Son of the Living God!"

We welcome you! Come just as you
are!!! We believe in teaching directly
from The Word of God!

Achievement of Purpose

Living Water Ministries seeks to achieve its purpose through:

1. Magnification - Celebrating God's presence in worship.

2. Ministry - Demonstrating God's love through service.

3. Maturity - Educating God's people through discipleship

4. Membership - Incorporating God's family into our fellowship.

5. Mission - Communicating God's Word through evangelism.

Articles of Faith


We believe the Bible is verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit, the infallible revelation of God to
man. II Tim 3:16-17, II Peter 1:20-21

We believe there is only one true, eternal God revealed in three persons; Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. Gen. 1:1, 26, Deut. 6:4, Isa. 43:10-11, Matt 28:19

We believe in the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles,
sacrificial death to save us from our sins, and His resurrection and ascension to heaven.
Matt 1:21, 23, John 1:1-2, 14, 3:16, Acts 1:2-3, 9, 2:22

We believe in the sinfulness of all mankind and the need of salvation, available only through
the blood of Jesus Christ to all who believe and receive Him as Savior. Rom. 3:23, 6:23,
10:13, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:4-7.


We believe the finished work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the human body.
Isa. 53:4-5, Matt. 8:16-17, I Peter 2:24, James 5:14-15.

We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the believer is
enabled to live a holy life. Sanctification is the process of being separated from sin and
dedicated to God, which begins at salvation and continues throughout the lifetime of a
believer. Gal. 5:22-23, I Thess. 4:3-5, 5:23, II Peter 3:18.


We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is promised to all believers subsequent to
salvation as the entrance into a Spirit-filled life including: a prayer language (speaking in
tongues), gifts of the Holy Spirit, and power to be a witness and anointed servant of God.
Joel 2:28-29, Luke 3:16, Acts 1:4-5, 8, 2:4, 38-39, 10:44-47, I Cor. 12:4-11.

We believe in the personal, imminent return of Jesus Christ. Acts 1:11, I Thess 4:16-18,
Titus 2:13.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and unsaved; the saved to
everlasting life and the unsaved to everlasting damnation. Acts 24:15, I Cor.
15:20-23, Rev. 20:4-6, 12-5.

We believe in the responsibility of every believer to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus
Christ. Matt 28:19-20, Mark16:15-20, Acts 1:8, 2:40-41, 47.



The mission of Living Water Ministries, Inc. is to LOVE every person

with the love of God by LEADING them to Jesus Christ so that by

the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they are LIFTED

from where they are to where God wants them to be.



The purpose of Living Water
Ministries, Inc. is to reach a lost
and hurting world with the hope
of Jesus Christ, to bring new
believers into His Kingdom, and
to help believers grow to be
more like Him. This is
accomplished by equipping and
mobilizing believers to reach
out with the relevant message of
Jesus Christ and by expanding
and reproducing the church
through the guidance and
anointing of the Holy Spirit.
(Matthew 28:18-20; Act 11:1926)